Thursday, July 17, 2008

Altered meme

What does "meme" even mean? I don't know, but I'll use it as an excuse to post before I turn another year older. I had a pint beforehand to loosen my typing fingers, so I hope this goes well. I was "tagged" by Monica, and am supposed to share seven facts about myself and "tag" seven people to do the same - which I won't do. Also, I'll use these seven facts as a way of communicating what I've been up to lately.

1. I finish summer school tomorrow. Five credits and a GPA boost, I can't complain, but it will be nice to have the fullness of my days to... work.

2. I turn twenty-seven on Friday. Expect a blog about that. It seems like such a big number.

3. I am going to Colorado in August with my dad. It should be a really good time. We'll be packing in [riding horses] and hiking out, in between: trout fishing, hitting up a thirteener [we can't all be Jason Bowden], relaxing and enjoying time with my pops.

4. I have been riding my bike a lot this summer and have really enjoyed it. I mean, saving money, saving the enviroment and burning calories? Seriously high quality. One problem I have though. As a noob biker I notice that a lot of other bikers give a horrible name to biking. They are all about cars sharing the road, right? But they don't give a crap for following the rules of the road. Case in point: nearly getting hit by other bikers who were ignoring a stop sign. Real cool. No wonder most drivers hate bikers. Also, if there is a bike path next to the road on which you are riding your bike, you are an idiot.

5. This is getting tough. Umm.. Oh, I finished A Tale of Two Cities. The last two hundred pages or so were really good, I wish I had gotten to that point sooner. Now reading As I Lay Dying. Also reread the last Harry Potter book somewhere in there, it's still wonderful.

6. I've been running here and there. My IT band on the left knee is still giving me fits. Actually it's been pissing me off slash depressing me quite a bit. It sucks to have several years of working towards being a distance runner just kind of dwindle away because of some injury that is difficult to do anything about. I'm trying different things, but have resigned to the fact that if they don't work out I'll just do some other endurance sport [biking, hiking, cross country skiing, etc.].

7. Don't judge me, but I've gone and upgraded my nerdery. Big time. I started playing World of Warcraft. Let me explain. It has been a really boring summer; people haven't been around, it's really hot out, my knee has been hurting. I actually thought I might be getting depressed and then I realized that I had just been really bored [similar to Wayne Campbell's scare with mono]. And then some friends were playing it and I thought it looked interesting and I gave it a shot and now I like it. Don't judge me. If you're looking to blame anyone you can primarily blame Josh J. and Kevin, and secondarily blame Meister Sanchez and the Koz [for introducing me to RPG's].

Anyway, that's what is going on. Feel free to enter into my life and maybe we'll have a real-life adventure. I would like that. Fer realz. you have my love.

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