Thursday, January 29, 2009


I am now three weeks into this semester, and I feel as though I have no idea what is going on. My theory is that my mind never made it back from Portland. Whatever the case may be, it needs to change fairly swiftly as the first round of tests and projects are already on their way. Here are some of the things that I will be busy with this semester, Spring of oh-nine.

Fundamentals of Human Physiology [with a lab]
As if anatomy weren't enough, we now have to know a) where some body part is, and b) what it does. But more in depth than that, more like 'how does said body part do what it does?' We are currently breaking down the chemical components of the body [amino acids and the like]. This will probably be a very challenging class. And the lab is easy thus far, but rumor has it that we have to draw our own blood. I'm trying not to think of this.

Business Communications
This is the class in which you learn to write resumes and cover letters and be professional and not write bad things about your classes on your blog. This is a very boring class.

Leadership Techniques of Fitness
I like this one. In it we are learning about composing exercise plans and instructing individual exercises. So far the most exciting part of this class was visiting the strength and conditioning coach for all of Iowa State's "Olympic sports", i.e. anything that isn't football. Pretty cool set up. I have a feeling that this is one of the classes where I am supposed to be doing more work, but I can't figure out what to work on.

Human Diseases
This is exactly what it sounds like, and yes, it is awesome. We study diseases, both on a broad level and physiologically. The semester is broken up into chronic diseases and infectious diseases. The chronic diseases are interesting enough, but I am definitely looking forward to the infectious section. I have to fight the urge to ask my professor: "I have a burning question, when are we going to cover STD's?" Also, my professor is six foot five at least, is skin and bones and Indian - and though he doesn't look it one bit he reminds me of Buster Bluth sometimes.

Independent Study
Faithful readers will recall the class in which I worked on a monthly, campus wide wellness newsletter. This semester I am serving as an "experienced" guide to the group doing the newsletter this semester. I have two groups and they are both full of self-motivated people and I feel like I should be doing more, but they're doing a great job anyway.

Library Instruction
I guess I have to learn how to use the library at some point in my ridiculously long academic career. I'm testing out of this tomorrow.

Other Stuff
On top of those classes I am still working about fifteen hours a week, mostly on a massive warehouse project. I'll try to post pictures that attempt to capture the scope of the project at some point soon. I'm currently reading Brave New World and really like it, after which I'm looking to get to The Great Gatsby or Galapagos [Vonnegut]. Next weekend I will be attending a three day seminar that will be the base of getting to my ACSM certifications. Possibly by this summer I'll be certified to be a personal trainer. I'm back to training for two races currently; a) Drake Relays Road Race - the 8k, and Dam to Dam in May. You should really consider doing both of those runs with me. I'm watching LOST; it's my drug of choice. At Trinity Britch played a video game called "Kingdom Hearts", I borrowed it from Mr. Sanchez and am trying to finish all the side quests before I finish up the game. It looks really dorky, but it's a super fun game. And the Wilson house residents are trying our best to make this dump a better place to live in and visit. Speaking of that - Pancake Day, February 24th. I'll make certain plans at a later date, but pencil it in on your schedules. Also, I've joined the latest social networking web 2.0 thing - Twitter. @viswaters if you care to follow my random and rather full life. Yep, that's a lot. Time to cram some sleep into the schedule. you have my love.

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