Monday, February 02, 2009


Five years ago I worked at a locally owned coffee shop. I was "let go" after four shifts because I wasn't learning quickly enough. Lesson: I should have gone to Starbucks with their corporate path of destruction and two month training period. Anyway, this semester I am making a conscious effort to like coffee. When I worked at the shop of coffee my drink involved a lot of non-coffee related sweetness. Since I can't justify spending that much with the recession in play, I am just jumping right into the coffee life by ordering plain coffee. That's not to say that I don't put in creamer, though I am avoiding adding sugar. I don't actually drink a lot of caffeine, so it really effects me when I do drink it, therefore I can't really drink any caffeinated beverages after midday. Which means that I can only really get one or two cups of coffee down in a day, which makes for learning to like coffee a slow process. And I don't drink it when I first wake up as that might condition my body to need caffeine, which I'm not down with. But the effort is paying off, I'm starting to like it more and my body isn't going into overdrive everytime I drink it. I suppose the next step is to get my own coffee maker and maybe a bag o' grounds. I know that there are some readers who have a low percentage of coffee in their blood count, so they can go ahead and grant me some advice on such things. I like writing again, I have many thoughts and hopefully I can translate some of them to you on a regular basis again. you have my love.

1 comment:

Avital said...

Starbucks also teaches you to like coffee by making all new employees participate in "tastings" and "perfect parings' in which you sit around and loudly slurp coffee and describe the flavour using wine tasting language. However, considering that Starbucks just laid off a gajillion people in your country, you might have gotten "let go" anyways..