Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring breaking

Four days into spring break and I can say that I have accomplished very little. Which would seem to be a good thing for a spring breaker, but I actually did want to get some things done. What do I have to do?

- Finish Galapagos, which I did last night.
- Work forty or so hours, I'm a little behind schedule with that
- Finish the synopsis to the story/screenplay I'm working on, which I have yet to touch. Maybe Thursday.
- Homework, yeah I have some of that, which I also have not touched. I'm okay with that.
- Enjoy the nice weather, working a lot of hours doesn't allow that so much, but I did go for a walk/jog this morning which was lovely.

Yeah, that's about all I have. Normally I would take a short trip to Chicago or something, but I couldn't pull that off this year and just needed to work for the cash-money. But I am going to see Ben Folds tomorrow night, which should rock. I would like to say that the rest of the week will be productive, but with the tourny starting on Thursday my productivity is in major doubt. I am already working on my goals for this summer, so maybe that will be my season of productivity. Let's hope so, because number one on the list of summer goals is more dates. Dudebro, up high. *Sigh*. you have my love.

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