Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Planning v. Preparing

In about sixteen weeks Sarah and I will be getting married. I'd give you the details of when and where, but we don't entirely have that pinned down yet. I'm not sure when you have to have all that stuff in order, but I think we're approaching it. So, we're planning a wedding, though a bit slowly. When we first got engaged we had a bit of time to ourselves before the onslaught of phone calls and squealing women and we talked about planning a wedding. We both agreed that in the seven or so months of being engaged, it was far more important to prepare to be married than to plan the perfect wedding.

And so we plan the wedding, finding a sanctuary and looking for a reception hall and caterer and all the sort. And we try to prepare for marriage, which is a different beast altogether. For Sarah it means that she meets with some ladies from our church and talks about our relationship and the challenges and treasures ahead on the horizon. For me it means meeting with my friend and accountability partner, Ryan, getting truth nuggets on marriage. And I go to a pre-dawn men's group on Thursdays and learn how dying to myself can actually help me live a life that is more truly life. And we read books and talk and cuddle and talk to other couples and so on.

And we do these things both realizing that nothing we do will ever truly prepare us for what is ahead. Merging lives as fully as we're preparing to do, is such an intense, holy and wholly concept that the only things we can really do is pray, brace ourselves, prepare to die to our own ambitions, and enjoy it. We might not have a color scheme but at least we're headed in the right direction. you have my love.

Bonus outtake: We don't have a theme [though I have suggested that our wedding theme be: "wedding"; for some reason Sarah doesn't think it's as awesome as I do], but then again, the only wedding I've been to with a theme was "cowboy Cinderella" which held a ton of promise, but failed to deliver the goods.


Jennifer VM said...

Seriously? You're dissing the cowboy Cinderella wedding? True, it didn't have cowboys pulling Cinderella's pumpkin coach, but it had so, so much more.

Avital said...

big kudus to you on the preparing vs planning. Chris and I did the planning vs preparing and then three weeks after the wedding we basically imploded, watched CSI on DVD for six months so we didn't have to talk to each other, and then got some marriage counseling that was really, really hard and intense, but so helpful. Biggest regret? Not having good premarital counseling before getting married. It would have saved us from much heartache.