Sunday, November 14, 2010

Words, a lack thereof

I counted. In oh-seven I had over fifty blog posts, in oh-eight there were forty-two, twenty-five last year and just twelve so far this year. I used to post twelve times in one month [though, I am okay with not posting that often these days]. And it's strange, because now, as opposed to then, there is far more going on in my life. I suppose that cuts both ways though; I have more to write about, and less time to write about it. And to be honest, I miss writing. Perhaps my blogiversary stirred my heart, or maybe it's the colder weather moving in, but I find myself wishing to be seated in front of the computer, either writing fiction or the tales of my life on this blog.

As I've seen over the past nine years, this is normal. People start blogs, write a lot, then less, and then they get eaten by the cyberwolves. That's what happens to abandoned blogs, right? Of the folks that started blogging around when I did, very few remain [Stefiny and Vee are all I can think of]. And that's totally cool for them, but for me, there is still this innate desire to write, even if it's a post of disjointed, random thoughts.

So, now what? I like to make these promises that I have blog ideas and will fill up this site with posts. But, I'm not going to make that promise. I'll certainly keep on writing, but I can't say how often that will be. But then again, perhaps this is a turning point, perhaps Sarah and I will find something really cool to blog about, who knows. Thanks for reading these words of mine. you have my love.

Some questions: Who still reads this blog? Do you go to the site, or use a RSS feed [like Google Reader, or as I like to call it "GoogRead"]? How do you find time to write?


Andrew Gates said...

And occasionally I read it on Google Buzz.

Anonymous said...

You and Avital are my only two originals as well :-) You're the one who introduced me to blogging, Vistra!! :-D

I use GoogRead.
And how do I find time to write? I suppose I just write whenever I have something to say. Simple as.

monica noel said...

still reading -- maybe a little behind -- but still reading. mostly via googread :). keep on writing!